Luxury watches and regular machine made watches- A comparison!

The features, the look, the beauty, the craftsmanship-they are all unmatched and can’t be compared with the regular watches that are mass produced these days. There are barely a handful of luxury watches that can be better or equal to Emporio Armani watches and most of the regular watches don’t even compare. This lack of comparison is due to several reasons some of which are enumerated below.


Comparion-1:   The regular watches are mostly machine-made that are manufactured in online platform for luxury watches online buybulk. These watches bear little difference from the last batch manufactured and are simply assembly line products-look the same and are made in bulk. Luxury watches on the other hand are very different from these assembly line products. Each luxury watch is made individually and several craftsman create the parts by hand making each watch a single individual piece that will not be repeated. These luxury watches bear their own distinctive numbers that speak volumes about their manufacturers and their handiwork.

Comparison-2:  The attention to detail that most luxury watch have can’t be found in regular watches. Each and every piece of a handmade watch is forged by the human hand and it carries with it a beauty that comes only with the skill of the craftsman and not from a robotic hand that assembles the watches. Another major reason why the luxury watches are so in demand is enumerated in the next comparison.

Comparison-3:  Watch making is a craft that several families have been following since generations. With each generation, the craft is getting finer and more complicated which results in a time piece that is truly a piece of luxury. The parts, the features, the materials used in the making are all picked and combined in a dazzling piece of equipment. The love of the watch maker for his craft can be seen in the beauty of his masterpiece. Now have a look at a regular watch that is assembly made and is combined with the help of robots and they are manufactured on a large scale. These things are so similar that they almost feel soulless and something that possess no distinctive mark.