This is the second part of a series of articles about gaining an inside knowledge of search engine placement. If you missed part 1, put my full name into google or goarticles search and you will find part 1 of this article. For those who bought a redirect web name as indicated in part 1, don’t forget to set up your e-mail redirection also.As promised, I’ll explain e-mail redirection and its benefits. I’ll use a client as an example. This company was just starting e-mail marketing, and decided to send e-mails to their customers. They wanted to show appropriate departments for e-mail addresses. Unaware of e-mail redirection, the manager created e-mails with different free providers; john@hotmail; susan@msn; james@yahoo.com and so on. As an upscale restaurant, they had a prestigious reputation. However, when their business cards portrayed the above e-mail https://visualmodo.com/ addresses, they shot their image in the foot! A free-service e-mail address on your business card shouts “business on a startup budget.” They had a fabulous web site, but the employees didn’t have corporate e-mail accounts? Using e-mail and web name redirection would enhance their image and search placement. The restaurant could get another web name (as explained in part 1 of this article) something like www.prestigedining.net, and establish e-mails as explained belowHere’s how it works. When I designed www.popcornfart.com, the web site for these articles, I received e-mail redirection option. E-mail redirection allows me to send to “anyone” at popcornfart.com. That means, I can pick any name and use it for e-mail as long as the ending part of the e-mail was @popcornfart.com. I can use the following e-mail addresses:jobs@popcornfart.cominfo@popcornfart.comsupport@popcornfart.comdodobird@popcornfart.comAll of these addresses redirect to one address; my company e-mail. That’s right! I only check one e-mail account. Just as popcornfart.com can redirect to another web site, you can have several e-mail addresses redirect to one account. If I wanted, I could use the e-mails in this fashion:Judy_in_HR@popcornfart.comMr._Johnson@popcornfart.comListing e-mail addresses on business cards using the first method, would also eliminate the expense of business card reprinting each time an employee left; another cost saving procedure to consider.The web site, www.popcornfart.com, has happily surpassed my estimation of search engine placement. For searches, I used both the term p