Feel Good About Buying Fair Trade Clothing And Protect The Environment

Have you ever wondered about the origin of the clothing you wear and other products you use?  Perhaps you have even gone so far as to wonder if you could make a positive impact in the lives of those who produce such clothing.  If you are starting to feel this way you have more options than you might have thought. You may not be aware of one option to become more conscious regarding your purchases: fair trade clothing.


Fair trade is really a social movement, a market-based method to help producers of goods in developing countries gain more favorable trading conditions.  Another key feature of the fair trade movement is that sustainability is the goal, rather than just making money.  This movement is designed to ensure the payment of a higher price to laborers and farmers as well as better work conditions.  In fact, the goal of fair trade is to attain higher social and environmental standards to positively impact the lives of workers and growers.

If the clothing you buy carry an official fair trade logo these products have met certain vital criteria.  Fair trade standards dictate that employees must receive livable wages and these employees must be able to join unions and bargain collectively.   No forced or child labor is allowed, a fact many consumers are unaware of.  Furthermore, specific fair trade standards require that a joint body be set up with representatives from both management and employees. This kind of joint body decides on how premiums will be spent to benefitemployees.

In order for a producer of fair trade clothing to achieve fair trade certification the workers involved in the production of the product must be compensated fairly and their working conditions must offer them a good way to support themselves.  Moreover, progressive methods need to be integral to the production process, that is, progress needs to occur over time that impacts the workers positively.

Clearly there are many elements and facets to the story behind fair trade clothing.  As consumers and as concerned global citizens, it is vital that we learn to ask questions about where the products we use come from.  Whether we are shopping for fair trade clothing or for some other product, such as fair trade bags, we need to seek out such stories and choose to use our purchasing power consciously if we intend to help make a positive change in the world through our shopping decisions.


Fair trade products include clothing, coffee, produce, and an ever-increasing variety of other options.  If you are shopping for something practical, such as fair trade bags, also look for the logo that tells you it is fair trade certified.  You will see that you truly can impact other people’s lives positively if you take the time to care.